Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Everybody always wishes they could go back in the past and fix things, or go into the future to see their fate. But in reality, with all that worrying, it causes issues on just living out your life. You can't change your past, so cherish all the good things that happened. Because thats going to make you see a brighter tomorrow, and instead of worrying about your fate. Dream big about how your going to turn out the next day. Because as somebody once said, 'shoot for the moon, if you miss, at least you land among the stars'. In other words, you dream about tomorrow, it can happen. And most importantly, live the day your in. Embrace it, and make it worth while. Having a bad day? Find all the good that comes out of it. And just live. Because living, is going to make your future brighter, and when your in the future, its going to be easier, to cherish yesterday. And just from this, I know, you're going to do just fine.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Love Yourself

You have to love yourself. Now not to the point of becoming a self centered, everything is about you kind of love. A love for yourself that will keep your self esteem up. If you think your fat, look in the mirror, and tell yourself your skinny. Instead of looking at all your flaws, look at all your beauties. Which is what really makes you. Everybody has flaws, its whether you focus on them or not. When you love yourself, it causes a glow. And people love that, your fun to be around and it makes them more positive too. If you love yourself, you're going to do just fine.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

You Can Do Anything

Don't ever doubt that you can't do something. Unless your trying to fly with your arms, or something humanly impossible. You really can do anything. World peace? Why not? First female president? Absolutely possible! If you can dream it, you can do it. Don't let anybody say different. Because you are a unique, beautiful person, and with those dreams in your head, if you put your mind to it. You can do it. And you can't let others discourage you. Because thats what drags us down, and when you have accomplished your mission. You can look back at them and you'll be so happy you didn't listen to them. Keep your dreams and hopes in the clouds, and build the foundation underneath. Creating your dream. And you're going to do just fine.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Best Friends

This blog is going to be slightly different, with two point of views, mine, and my best friend's. Hope you all enjoy :)
Sophie *my bestie*:After 8th grade, I was in a really dark place. I was lost, like a puppy without a home. SO I texted my best friend (Breanna) and spilled everything to her. It took a while, but I got it all. ALthough she was upset for some things I did throughout the year, she welcomed me into her arms, no questions asked. After that, we just kind of stayed in contact. If there's one thing I'm trying to get out of this story, it's that even though you may have ups and downs, your real friends will never, Ever give up on you. No matter how far you fall, they're always eager to pull you back up. I couldn't ask for a better person to be my support, best friend, and sister (even though we're no really related.)

Me: Friends are there for you when you fall, when you cry, and they're there to lift you up. Without them, you can't have the time of your life. They listen to all your problems in life, ready with the shovel to hurt whoever hurt you. My best friend. Sophia (Sophia) T. She is the best friend I could ever ask for. She has helped me through so much and I like to think I help her. Without her love and friendship I would be miserable. Friends are not only there to help you though, they are there to make your life fun and amazing. And although my best friend is absolutely crazy, thats what I love about her. She isn't just my friend, she's my sister, and I don't know what I'd do without her. We are given friends for a reason, make sure you make every second of your friendship count. With this, and your friends by your side, your going to do just fine!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Anger - Learn How To Stop It

Anger is a powerful thing. And its something you need to be careful of. When your angry, you need to take a breather so you don't end up saying or doing something your going to regret. Unless you want to lose friends or make more enemies. Stop your anger. If you need a physical outlet, then go running, or biking, or simply punch something that you can't damage. If you need a mental outlet, then go find out why your angry and release it all, its not easy, but make sure your not getting angry over something small.  But don't let anger dictate your actions. Wait until your calm, cool, and collected. Then make your decisions. And you're going to do just fine.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Life And Love

What is love exactly? And who deserves it? And who doesn't? I believe we should show everybody love. Because we get what we give. And if we give love to everybody, that is going to make us feel better inside.We all need love in our life. Everybody does, and without it, just like the picture states. Life is dull. Without love, you become a sorrowful, miserable person. So if you see somebody down, smile and wave, show everybody love, especially your enemies. Because in reality, life is short. So make it last. And you're going to do just fine.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Society... Don't Listen

Well, there you have it. People are messed up. End of discussion. But my point here is that people judge others way to much, if you don't have a pretty face, nice body, or anything else. Then your automatically made a target. Well not everybody is perfect. And well, my point to this here is to just be yourself. Don't change yourself due to what others want you to be. BE YOURSELF! You are a unique person! And nobody, I repeat, NOBODY can tell you different. Anybody who doesn't like you, well they're not worth your time. Don't let anybody dictate how you act, dress, live. Be yourself, be free, and most of all, don't you dare give any two sense on what society says, because its screwed up anyways. If someone tells you your ugly, brush it off. Because more than likely their jealous. Don't let anybody hurt you, because they just do it because they are insecure themselves. And if you go by this rule of thumb in life. Then you're going to do just fine.